6 Must Have Crystals for Beginners!


It is hard to know where to start when picking out crystals! There is such a wide variety to choose from and each have distinct properties and uses.  There are generally 2 ways most people go about picking out crystals. One common method is by intuition or just choosing crystals we’re drawn to. There is nothing wrong with this method, we are intuitively drawn to the energies and vibrations they give off when they resonate with ours.  The other method is by choosing crystals based on their properties.

Lapis Lazuli and Angel Aura Quartz

This more proactive method can be especially helpful when we need to draw a specific energy onto our life. In this case the “intuitive” method doesn’t always work. For example, if you are a logical thoughtful person you might be drawn to Lapis Lazuli, because this stone can boost intellectual energies, it might resonate with your energy.  But say you also want to draw more creative energy into your life and you are having difficulty getting out of your thoughts to work on creative projects.


Buying Carnelian can help bring out your passion and creativity and heighten your success rate for the project- despite not being drawn to this particular stone.

Here are some crystal basics to help you choose new crystals based on their potential uses!

Carnelian-Put Carnelian in your workspace to ignite passion and creativity for creative endeavors. Builds motivation and ambition for new businesses or new projects and aids in success in money-making endeavors. Sleep with a couple by your bed to inspire creative ideas while asleep.

Tourmaline-The “Empath’s” stone. Wear Black Tourmaline jewelry to ward off or stop

Black Tourmaline

the absorption of negative energy from other people or your surroundings. Can absorb negative energy and change it to positive energy for the wearer. Sleep with it next to your bed to prevent nightmares.   Helps ease anxiety or panic attacks. Promotes a strong sense of grounding and stability.

Clear Quartz-This high vibration stone is a good starter crystal for those not familiar with all the different varieties of crystals out there to choose from.  But don’t underestimate the power of Clear Quartz, these crystals exude a strong positive energy and can also amplify energy.  Place Clear Quartz around your home to draw in positive energy to yourself and your surroundings.   Wear or carry it when you need a boost of energy or good vibrations.

Amethyst aids in awakening one’s intuition and psychic abilities.  Wear an Amethyst pendant to help you receive intuitive messages and gain understanding into problems.  Helps to expand ones spiritual awareness.    Keep Amethyst crystals around your home to  promotes an environment of calmness, tranquility and balance.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz – This beautiful pink-colored quartz holds the energy of love in all forms. Aids in opening your heart Chakra and allowing the positive energy of unconditional love into your life. Wear as jewelry or sleep with it in your bedroom to attract more love into your energy field and life.

Celestite is a powerful high vibration crystal that will help attract positive Angelic energy into your life.  If you need help and guidance from a higher source, place Celestite next to your bed and before going to sleep ask the Angels for help with a specific problem.  The Angels will answer you in your dreams or you will receive messages the next day with your answer! Watch for angelic guidance through repeating numbers or repeating songs and message.  11:11!

Coming up- How to clean and charge your new crystals!



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