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Do you have an Animal Spirit Guide?

2018-06-27_10-30-07-01.jpegDo you have an Animal Spirit Guide?

An Animal Spirit Guide or a totem is an animal that you feel a deep connection with or that holds special meaning for you. They often show up in dreams or visions, signs and symbols or in physical form.

Spiritual messages and guidance can come to us in a variety of ways. Some people may see physical signs like repeating numbers, others have dreams, some have spirit guides and some of us have animal  guides.  Animal guides can appear in a number of forms, sometimes we may actually see them like a coyote crossing your path while driving, while other animal messengers can come through in dreams or visions. They also may appear in repeating symbols or images.

But what do these animal messengers mean and do you have an animal spirit guide?

Some animals we strongly identify with throughout the course of our whole lives For example,  a person who may be obsessed with wolves in their waking life, they might have statues or pictures of wolves in their home, they may have had a couple of significant dreams about wolves and even saw one in the wild, this person’s animal totem is probably the wolf and has been a significant force throughout their lifetime.Sheep!

Some animals may show up for a specific time period,  appearing to provide help or bring us a message. These would be messenger animal guides. For example I had a very vivid dream that I was lost in a desolate forest and a black crow landed on a branch so close I could reach it.  To me the crow’s appearance symbolized faith and hope and to see things from a higher perspective in this situation.   I have seen this crow appear in other random places for a short time and then it as quickly as it appeared disappeared from my life!   It served as a reminder short-term to hold out that hope and faith in my situation and to not get to caught up in mu limited perspective.

Although there is a wealth of information concerning standard symbolic meanings for animals, many times the key to understand the animals presence and message is really from our own understanding and interpretation.

What do they signify to you?  What do you think they are trying to tell you? 2018-06-15_02-48-38.jpg

Crow might signify gaining a higher perspective, prophetic insight, and also to be aware of possible deception from someone.

Dolphin might mean a person with a peaceful and harmonious nature, or a reminder to tap into a more playful side of yourself.

Wolves are highly intelligent and loyal animals.  Reminding us of our innate animal instincts and we should try connecting to our intuition.

Turtle may symbolize our need to access the higher wisdom of the earth.  Reminding us to continue on with determination on our sometimes difficult life’s journey.

What animal(s) do you identify with or hold a significant meaning for you?

Do You Owe a Karmic Debt?

wordswag_1530930439596.pngAre you paying off a Karmic Debt to someone? A Karmic Debt is an unresolved conflict or issue from a past life relationship that has surfaced in this lifetime. In other words, current problems we are facing today may have a root in a past life, the difficulty is caused by an unresolved conflicts or even a promise that hasn’t been resolved or fulfilled. Gaining knowledge of this debt can help free us from this conflict by either resolving the issues or breaking the agreement.  Helping us move past our current issues and ultimately closer to our true selves and to our highest potential.

This unresolved conflict can wreak havoc on your current life and relationships, drawing you together for many lifetimes in an effort to make peace. This person can be a lover, spouse, friend or relative that has re-entered 20180512_182327-01-01.jpegyour life to work out these unresolved conflicts.

Some signs to help you know if your involved in a Karmic Debt or relationship:

💕Do you feel overly responsible for someone and feel like you have to help them- beyond a reasonable amount. You often feel like you owe them?

Do you have a family member you just cannot get a long with to the point where it doesn’t even make sense why you’re at odds with this person?

🍃Do you feel a strong sense of loyalty to a particular person, despite how they behave, you feel so connected that it is hard to understand the reasons why you feel such a strong bond?

Do you turn down better, more satisfying relationships for this person because you feel obligated or there is such a strong sense of need that you can’t even think about leaving them?

You feel deeply that this person is a Soul-Mate, you feel as though you have known them before and feel like their is an undying bond between the two of you.

15097592542_24907baaff_zKnow that you have identified that you may be operating under a karmic debt-what can you do?

First is to identify what the conflict or debt is really about and try to take action on that. Finding out what exactly the debt is will help you determine if you truly need to continue this situation.

For example, say you have a younger brother and for your whole life you have taken on the role of caretaker, always saving him from responsibility and helping him financially, at times it seems as though it doesn’t even make sense why he turns to you for the main source of help. This may be a karmic relationship in action where you either had similar issues in a past life or maybe the roles were reversed and you actually do owe him.  What can you do in this case?

One way is through resolution of the debt. Make a honest attempt to work through the issues with the person you have the conflict with, keep in mind, you should never stay in a violent or abusive relationship.  Making an attempt to resolve the conflict and releasing the feelings associated  with the issue can help dissolve the debt.  So you can speak to the person about the current situation and try to resolve it to the best of your ability, making peace with the situation and letting go of any negative emotions associated with the relationship.  Of course focus the discussion on this life, they may not understand what you are talking about if you explain your past life history together!

Second option or in addition to, once the debt is discovered you can decide if you want to break the debt or promise.  You could verbally or in writing release or disavow yourself from the debt or promise.  So figuratively rip up the contract.   Before doing this you should really try to identify through the Akashic Records that a breakable contract exists or if it is in the interest of everyone’s highest good to break it. Maybe you truly owe someone a debt.  You could also pray or ask your guides for advice on if you should truly break the contract. If the case is you truly owe this person you might need to pay them back.

Discover Soul Contracts and Karmic Debt –Akashic Love and Light!



Can you Know Your Past Lives?


Deja-Vu: The feeling that you have been here or experienced this moment before, a strong sense of familiarity.


While in some cases Déjà Vu may be caused by the neurological effect of the information hitting your brain twice, other times this feeling of familiarity can be caused by a sight, smell, sound or an act that triggers a memory or reminder of a past life.  Even though we cannot easily recall our past lives, these memories do get store in our Super-Conscious and leak out from time to time.

How can you tell if your possibly identifying or remembering a past life rather than experiencing a blip of the brain? There are certain key things to look for. First of all in the case of a brain wave hitting twice. This experience is very short lived, meaning you might feel for a fleeting minute that sense of memory or familiarity but it is out of context. Whereas if this is truly a past life memory it will typically be tied to other occurrences.  For example, stopping at Starbucks and getting a drink and feeling that weird feeling of Deja-Vu, might be more of a neurological type Deja-Vu or you actually may stop at Starbucks so often it is a reality that this happened before.  This experience lasts only a few minutes and you are on your way.

But the experience of past life recall might be more intense and/or out of context. In this case, maybe your whole life you have strongly been drawn to the Hindu belief system, although you have not ever been exposed to this religion. You have a strong sense of love for animals and are vegetarian, finally you visit India and in one specific city you feel such a sense of being there before that it lacks any sense of explanation.  This would be more of an indicator of a karmic connection.


Here are some other factors that will help determine if a memory, feeling or an association is tied to a past life rather than just experiencing a blip of the brain waves:

The feeling or memory is tied to a longer chain of identifications such as being drawn to people, places or things throughout most of your life.

Innately knowing how to do something with little or no practice.

Visiting or seeing an image of a place or an object that triggers a strong sense of familiarity or remembrance.

Feeling drawn to a specific culture or time period to the point where you strongly

Have you Been Here Before?

identify with those beliefs or ideology with little exposure to that culture in your present life.

Unexplained fears and phobias that have no basis in this lifetime.

A strong feeling that you have met someone before and form an instant attraction could indicate meeting someone from a previous incarnation.

Past Life Readings $25


How to Raise the Positive Vibes in your Life and Home!

Have you ever just felt a heavy energy or negative vibe when entering a room or around certain people?  Many of us are affected by accumulated negative or unwanted energy and it is hard to figure out how to shake this feeling off.  wordswag_1525274311342.png

Dealing with problems or excessive emotional energy can cause a home and ourselves to accumulate unwanted energy. This energy can get trapped inside a space or yourself or a variety of reasons, it can be leftover emotional energy accumulated over time or negative energy from past events, or just all around negative vibes! That is why we should take some of the following easy to do steps to raise the positive vibrations in ourselves and home.
First clear your home and yourself. There are some simple steps to help keep a space clear and free from dense or heavy energetic accumulation. The most important part in clearing the energy of your space is to hold a strong positive intention and energy. Ask your higher power or the Angels to help you.


Smudging with Sage can help combat negativity and clears energy.  First you will need a fireproof container and a sage stick. Do this during the day and when you are in a positive frame of mind. Open the window in each room a crack so energy can escape. Light the sage stick over the fireproof bowl, lightly fan the flame letting it burn down to a glowing ember. Relighting it if you need to. Start in the far end of your home and recite the prayer below or a similar one in each room and envision a positive white light surrounding and emanating from you for protection and guidance. Move purposefully through each room in a clockwise pattern. Direct the smoke into each corner. Closets too. Hold the bowl under the sage so you don’t drop anything that could catch on fire! Develop a pattern that feels right to you, but don’t worry too much about being exact. If you sense a need for extra cleansing in any spot or room, trust the feeling and go for it.

Say this Clearing and Blessing prayer or something similar:
Dear God, (or with Divine light and love or Angels) I ask that you bless this home and release all unwanted or (negative) energy from my home. Fill this space only with divine love and light.

The last step of asking to replace the vibrations with divine love and light is important because the ultimate goal is to draw in positive loving energy from the universe.

A similar method to sage is using Palo Santo which means “holy wood”. It is the bark of a South American tree and is another natural method used in smudging a space. You can burn Palo Santo or purchase a Palo Santo spray which offer the benefit of cleansing for clearing energy, minus the fire. You follow the same instructions to smudge a house using the spray or the wood as for sage but spray once or twice into each corner of the room and say the prayer.

After the clearing you now have to raise the positive vibrations. Here are some basic tips to maintain the energy.

Crystals have some amazing abilities! They can amplify vibrations or absorb them

Rose Quartz

depending on which type you get. Super high vibrational crystals can help draw in or amplify positive vibrations and make your home feel better. You can place clear Quartz crystals or other high vibration crystals like Selenite or Angel Aura Quartz in the corners of the rooms you spend a great deal of time in.

To help draw love into your home and life place Rose Quartz in your bedroom or your living room. Morganite is a similar pink stone that will help amplify and draw in divine love and light. Keep in mind Crystals will need to be cleansed periodically. You could use the same smudging method and prayer above to clear the crystals.

To help absorb negative energies place pieces of Black Tourmaline in areas around the home or along the windows. You only need a few pieces per room or in rooms you want to clear.

Fresh Flowers Brighten a Room!

Flowers and plants; Put fresh flowers and house plants in a couple rooms to help raise good vibrations and provide an ongoing source of positive energy. Really any type of flowers will work but Roses are typically known for drawing in love and light. Yellow flowers like Sunflowers or tulips to bring in a hopeful outlook into your life and home.

Use an Aromatherapy Diffuser around your home to help keep the vibrations high. To make a “smudging type” blend mix 1-3 drops of each Lavender essential oil, Sage essential oil, and Lemon or Lemon grass into the diffuser. You can substitute the lemon with Juniper or Siberian Fur both have cleaning and uplifting properties. Let the diffuser run in each room for 30 mins.
Repeat in each room you’d like to cleanse or purify, refilling the basin with water and essential oils as necessary.

Clear Quartz Points with Rose Quartz

Another option to draw in positive energy and boost the spiritual energy of your home is to create a Spiritual or Meditation Altar. First decide on a theme or a purpose. What qualities are you looking to draw into your life is a good way to decide on a theme. Based on your theme add elements to the altar such as candles, fresh or dried flowers, positive affirmations, crystals, statues or symbols of spiritual teachers, or loved ones. Figures of divinity, gods or spiritual teachers is a nice way to formulate a theme for you alter and purpose. If you are looking to add in positive divine feminine energy consider images or statues of the Virgin Mary, Artemis or Diana.

What is your Intention?

For love and compassion images of Jesus, for those seeking enlightenment the Buddha is an option. If you need angelic assistance consider images or statues of Archangel Michael or Uriel. Looking to overcome obstacles-a statue of Ganesha the remover of obstacles in the Hindu faith might be appropriate. You also can make a nature or crystal altar and center the elements around the reason behind the altar. Consider the colors used on your alter, whether it is the color of the flowers, crystals, candles or table covering colors hold a deep significance on a conscious and unconscious level. Blue is typically for peace, serenity, or forgiveness, red for love and passion, yellow for positive energy and wisdom, white for purification and divine energy, purple for intuition or psychic development.
There is no right or wrong method for constructing an altar it is really up to your own creativity and purpose! One of the most important factors in raising your vibration to a higher level is really focusing on positive intentions and actions!

6 Must Have Crystals for Beginners!


It is hard to know where to start when picking out crystals! There is such a wide variety to choose from and each have distinct properties and uses.  There are generally 2 ways most people go about picking out crystals. One common method is by intuition or just choosing crystals we’re drawn to. There is nothing wrong with this method, we are intuitively drawn to the energies and vibrations they give off when they resonate with ours.  The other method is by choosing crystals based on their properties.

Lapis Lazuli and Angel Aura Quartz

This more proactive method can be especially helpful when we need to draw a specific energy onto our life. In this case the “intuitive” method doesn’t always work. For example, if you are a logical thoughtful person you might be drawn to Lapis Lazuli, because this stone can boost intellectual energies, it might resonate with your energy.  But say you also want to draw more creative energy into your life and you are having difficulty getting out of your thoughts to work on creative projects.


Buying Carnelian can help bring out your passion and creativity and heighten your success rate for the project- despite not being drawn to this particular stone.

Here are some crystal basics to help you choose new crystals based on their potential uses!

Carnelian-Put Carnelian in your workspace to ignite passion and creativity for creative endeavors. Builds motivation and ambition for new businesses or new projects and aids in success in money-making endeavors. Sleep with a couple by your bed to inspire creative ideas while asleep.

Tourmaline-The “Empath’s” stone. Wear Black Tourmaline jewelry to ward off or stop

Black Tourmaline

the absorption of negative energy from other people or your surroundings. Can absorb negative energy and change it to positive energy for the wearer. Sleep with it next to your bed to prevent nightmares.   Helps ease anxiety or panic attacks. Promotes a strong sense of grounding and stability.

Clear Quartz-This high vibration stone is a good starter crystal for those not familiar with all the different varieties of crystals out there to choose from.  But don’t underestimate the power of Clear Quartz, these crystals exude a strong positive energy and can also amplify energy.  Place Clear Quartz around your home to draw in positive energy to yourself and your surroundings.   Wear or carry it when you need a boost of energy or good vibrations.

Amethyst aids in awakening one’s intuition and psychic abilities.  Wear an Amethyst pendant to help you receive intuitive messages and gain understanding into problems.  Helps to expand ones spiritual awareness.    Keep Amethyst crystals around your home to  promotes an environment of calmness, tranquility and balance.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz – This beautiful pink-colored quartz holds the energy of love in all forms. Aids in opening your heart Chakra and allowing the positive energy of unconditional love into your life. Wear as jewelry or sleep with it in your bedroom to attract more love into your energy field and life.

Celestite is a powerful high vibration crystal that will help attract positive Angelic energy into your life.  If you need help and guidance from a higher source, place Celestite next to your bed and before going to sleep ask the Angels for help with a specific problem.  The Angels will answer you in your dreams or you will receive messages the next day with your answer! Watch for angelic guidance through repeating numbers or repeating songs and message.  11:11!

Coming up- How to clean and charge your new crystals!